We may need to move to the half-gallon, but if that doesn't work I may have to take drastic measures to restore my equilibrium.
Some people call it musings. Some people call it random crap. Some people call it a slice of life. I call it superfluous miscellany, which roughly translates into "a bit too much of a bunch of different stuff." Enjoy!
hee hee hee
You go, girl!!!
It brings joy to my heart to know Ben and Jerry bring peace and equilibrium to others- my addiction is Brownie Cheesecake- oh sweet peace to my soul
I'm opening up a GIANT carton of anti-depressant Friday night while the boys are at the father/son campout. Yay!
Well, I can see the problem you're having--you have it all wrong, you know. You should be using Ben and Jerry's Phish Food. Injecting it right into the veins would probably get a faster result but taking it by mouth tastes so darn good! (Plus, there's those fugdy fishies that just don't go well through tiny-vein spaces.)
I am imagining you running down the street, yelling and chasing after the truck. I am giggling. Thank you.
Pass some my way!
The New York Super Fudge Chunk is the best medicine of all!
You have a gift with words! And pictures that accompany beautiful words!!
Personally, I would prescribe Jelly Belly chocolate malt balls and maybe some York peppermint patties( the small ones in the BIG bag)! These both taste best eaten in solitude and without sharing.
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